Tag / DIPS

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  • WOD 11/8/11

    800m run 4 rounds of: 20 Lunges 15 Situps 10 Push Ups 5 Dips Then: 800m run

  • WOD 10/25/11

    5 rounds: 200m run 7 dips 200m run 7 box jumps 200m run 7 lateral hurdle jumps 200m run 7 wallballs

  • WOD 10/6/11

    5 rounds: 7 HSPU 9 Dips 11 Air Squats 200m Run then: 5 sets: 3x deadlift

  • WOD 8/11/11

    (In teams of 3:  1 person working at a time) 2500m Row 75 Dips 100 DB Thrusters 150 Pull ups 150 Box Jumps

  • WOD 7/11/11

    In teams of 3, complete the following: 2000m row 100 Dips 100 TTB 100 Air Squats 100 Push ups 2000m Run

  • WOD 6/2/11

    7 Rounds: 7 Wallballs 7 Burpees 7 dips 7 Pullups

  • WOD 5/14/11

    8 Rounds: 8 Dips 8 Burpees 8 Deadlifts Driveway Sprint